A month ago ESI center asked me for a kind of cool 1 day security oriented training course that has to bridge the gap between networking and software and to be different from everything else on the market.
So ready, set and done :)
DDOS, RTBH and self-protection will be a devOps oriented training in focused on application level DDOS attack mitigation. In the course I will show how we can combine network traffic blackholling techniques with application based self protection.
The participants will learn how to use source and destination based Remotely Triggered Blackholling and how to embed it in their web applications.
As devOps tooling we will use maven, tomcat a development Environment as Intelij Idea or Eclipse, groovy and more precisely expect4groovy and we will produce a servlet filter able to detect the DDOS attack and pull RTBH triggers.
So if you don’t want an army of mole people from another dimension to storm through your firewall and to suffer as Dilbert come to that one. More details on the portal of ESI.
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