Welcome to my blog.
My name is Nikolay Milovanov and I am a Network/Software Architect.
I have interests in:
- Network and Software Architectures
- Cloud and Cloud netowkring
- Network Infrastructure orchestration & automation
- IPv4 to IPv6 network transformation
My key technical skills are related to:
- OSS/BSS: Service/Network Fulfillment, Provisioning, Mediation and Policy Control
- IP/MPLS: Network/Service architecture development
- MOBILE: LTE, NGIN, fix-to-mobile convergence, location based services
- IPv4 to IPv6 transition: mechanisms, strategies
- Cloud: OpenStack, Containers, SmartOs, Neutron, Contrail
- SDN: OpenFlow, i2rs, ONOS, OpenDayLight
- Network Automation: Network Discovery, Dynamic Data Modeling, Orchestration
- Architecture: Architecture drivers analysis
I was a holder of Cisco CCIE certification under the Service Provider track.
In my free time I enjoy traveling. My hobby is fly fishing.
If you want to contact me you can always send me an email at nmil{at}niau.org