
1. Milovanov, N., “Traffic optimization in the modern corporate WAN data network”, “Telecom 2009”, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 328-334, Oct. 8-9, 2012

2. Milovanov, N. , “Service Fulfillment and Assurance in the NGN Networks”, Journal of NVU, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 2009

3. Milovanov, N., From Static to Dynamic QoS”, Annual of department of Telecommunications, 2009, NBU, Sofia, Bulgaria

4. Slavinski A., Milovanov N., Georgieva V., “IPv4 TO IPv6 NETWORK TRANSFOMATION”, Annual of department of Telecommunications, 2009, NBU, Sofia, Bulgaria

5. Milovanov,N., Slavinki A., Georgieva V., “Service Oriented framework for IPv4 to IPv6 Network transformations”, “Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe”,5th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference, SEERC, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 358-370, 2010

6. Milovanov N., Slavinski A., Bogomilov I., “Methodology for analyses and selection of Best Practices in the area of embedded systems and industrial informatics”, “Proceedings of International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development ICEIRD 2011”, Ohrid, Macedonia, pp.1-6, 5-7 May 2011

7. Milovanov.N, Bogomilov I., Slavinski. A, 4TO6trans use case – Dynamic network inventory data population“, Management Of Technology – Step to Sustainable Production“, Bol, Croatia, 2011

8. Milovanov N., Bogomilov I. , “Comparing IPv4 and IPv6 IPSEC networks”, „Engineering Sciences “, Sofia, Bulgaria, 09.2011

9. Milovanov N., Bogomilov I., “Case Study – IPv6 based building automation solution integration into an IPv4 Network Service Provider infrastructure“, N.Milovanov, I. Bogomilov, CompSysTech ’12 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, pp. 216-223, 2012

10. Bogomilov I., Milovanov N., Slavinski A., Petrov G., „IPv4 to IPv6 transition mechanisms“, NVU, 14-15 July, 2012

11. Milovanov N. “An approach and a tool for IP network state-to-state transformation”, 22.03.2014,

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